ID 503 - Product Safety & Conformity Representative (PSCR)


ID 503: Product Safety & Conformity Representative (PSCR)

Every organization within the automotive supply chain is obliged to ensure the safety and conformity of its products. This includes compliance with the legal regulations of the respective countries and meeting the safety expectations of the general public. This is where the role of the Product Safety & Conformity representative starts.

The event will enable you as a prospective or existing PSCR to manage your day-to-day work in a more professional and goal-oriented manner.



By this training:

  • You will be able to describe the significance and tasks of the PSCR.
  • You will be able to state your responsibility in the entire supply chain from development through manufacture and use to the end of intended use.
  • You will know how product integrity is organized in the company and be familiar with its place in the product life cycle.
  • You will know what to do in the event of product deviations.
  • You will use the relevant tools and methods in a professionally competent manner.
  • You will manage your task as PSCR professionally and in a target-oriented manner.


In five modules, the central topics of product integrity will be elaborated and your competency expanded.
Module 1: Instruction.
Module 2: Organization of product integrity.
Module 3: Product integrity over the product lifecycle.
Module 4: Recommended actions for product nonconformities.
Module 5: Examples of tools and methods.

The training alternates between technical presentations and group work. Group work supports the transfer of what has been learned into your own working practice. Special emphasis is placed on opportunities to exchange experiences.

Prerequisites for participation

  • Technical and/or business education.
  • Experience in quality management in the automotive industry, especially in the handling complaints and recourses.
  • Training and experience in the assessment of technical product and process risks (e.g. FMEA moderator, VDA 6.3 process auditor, developer).
  • Knowledge of the product application of the products manufactured in the company as well as the current state of technology.
  • Knowledge of requirements from relevant laws and customer requirements.

Target audience

executives and employees from the automotive industry

Qualification Certificate

After passing the knowledge test (multiple-choice test), you will receive a certificate of qualification.


2 days


Date Location Language Remaining Seats Price
10 Oct - 11 Oct 2024 09:00-17:00 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Vietnamese 12 1460.00 USD Book Now