CQI-20 - Effective Problem Solving Guide


The objective of this course is to train the participant in the CQI-20 guide, as well as to teach different methodologies and tools (A3, 7 steps, CAPA, 8D, DMAIC, Ishikawa diagram, brainstorming, Is or Isn't, 5 Whys, Pareto diagram, Cause and Effect Matrix, fault tree) that can also be used according to the type of problem faced, in order to find the root cause and avoid its recurrence.

In October 2022 the IATF presented the performance results for major nonconformities found in certification audits and surprisingly the first place is occupied by section 10.2.3 Troubleshooting. In October 2019 it was in second place.




  • Reinforce the fundamentals of Problem Solving following the CQI-20 guide.
  • Participants will identify the differences between the most common problem-solving methodologies in order to choose the one that best suits the solution needs of each particular problem they face.
  • Participants will be able to effectively implement different root cause analysis methodologies in their organization to prevent the recurrence of problems.
  • Participants will learn the linkages of Troubleshooting to Customer Specific, Legal & Regulatory Requirements and applicable International Industry Standards (IATF 16949).


1. Fundamentals of Problem Solving.
2. Links to applicable requirements.
3. Methodologies and tools for problem solving.
4. Application of analysis and problem solving.

Prerequisites for participation


Target audience

  • Personnel of the organization involved in the solution of problems such as those responsible for manufacturing, logistics, industrial safety, planning and administrative areas.
  • Responsible for the implementation and coordination of the Quality management system, including other management systems.
  • Team of Internal Auditors and personnel involved in auditing and supplier development.
  • Personnel involved in customer complaints.

Qualification Certificate

After passing the test at the end of the training, participants will receive a certificate of attendance.


3 days (4 hours per day)


CQI-20 - Effective Problem Solving Guide- 2nd Edition


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