CQI-9 - Heat Treat System Assessment


The activities of this training are designed for:

  • Help implement an assessment within your own organization.
  • Ensure correct interpretation of the requirements of CQI-9 "Special Processes: Heat Treatment System Assessment (HTSA)".
  • Improve the management of heat treatment manufacturing processes, with a focus on defect prevention and continuous improvement.
  • To provide a common language for heat treatment processes for original or replacement parts.
  • The session does not address the technical aspects of the special heat treatment process itself.



  • Understand the essential requirements of CQI-9 and identify the possible ways of compliance (evidence).
  • Identify and apply auditing techniques, including qualitative and quantitative sampling necessary for the generation of reliable and realistic diagnoses.
  • Improve the structuring and description of the deficiencies and nonconformities detected.
  • Align the qualification of internal auditors at the CQI-9 top auditor competency level.


1. Fundamentals of the Heat Treatment Process
2. Specific and regulatory requirements related to the Heat Treatment process.
3. Introduction to the Guide
4. Evaluator Profile
5. Heat Treatment System Evaluation Scope and Procedure (Process Approach)
6. Review and interpretation of the Heat Treatment System Evaluation Criteria

Prerequisites for participation


Target audience

Manufacturing and quality engineers, internal auditors of special processes, heat treatment process supervisors, heat treatment process quality technicians and inspectors, and anyone involved in heat treatment implementation, maintenance and/or compliance.

Qualification Certificate

After passing the test at the end of the training, participants will receive a certificate of qualification.


2 days (4 hours per day)


CQI-9 Heat Treat System Assessment


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